Welcome all nutrition conscious individuals who on a daily basis lead a busy life! Do not fear, you don't have to necessarily make poor nutrition and fitness choices as a response to the daily stresses of life. Instead, focus on meeting your expectations for yourself by making the best nutrition and exercise choices on a constant basis and you will notice increased energy, positive outlooks, and how your views on the stresses of life may become less and less.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Natural Home Remedies

Home remedies are often described as an alternative to medicine or chemicals, containing minimal side effects while being cost efficient. They are typically made from fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and oils, being referred to as all natural, some being found in basic household items. There are various things in the house that can easily be converted to a treatment or relief of symptoms ranging from the common cold to heart disease.

            Home remedies can be used to treat many different medical conditions as an alternative to western medicine such as prescribed pills and ointments. Eating foods or supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseed, and other foods and taking ginkgo extract have been shown to be a natural remedy to calm asthma symptoms as opposed to taking an inhaler.  Taking grape seed extract, bilberry extract, or dandelion tea has been studied to be beneficial for reducing edema or swelling in the lower extremities as opposed to taking prescribed diuretics from a physician.  To prevent heartburn or acid reflux, it has been said that taking licorice, slippery elm or sipping chamomile tea can be of help. These are just a few out of the numerous remedies enlisted worldwide by thousands of people.

Types of Benefits
There are various benefits to using home remedies, saving money as one of the top ones. Other benefits including eliminating possible adverse effects of prescribed medications, including drug-drug interactions, stomach ulcers and pain, skin rash, weight loss or gain, nausea, and others depending on the prescription. A major pro to using fruits, vegetables, teas, herbs, oils, and other remedies is that they can reap all-around health benefits not only pertaining to the root cause. For instance, sipping mint tea may act as a protector the body of bad bacteria and may also relax the stomach muscles, combat gas, and stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.  A fish oil supplement each day has been shown to reduce blood pressure, and will also keep triglyceride levels at a low. The list is endless when it comes to the benefits of secret natural home remedies. 

            Although there are various benefits, home remedies may not always be the answer to health problems. Often times, people may turn to alternative forms of medicine such as herbal therapy or another form, when a combination of western and eastern medicine may be required to cure a symptom or disease. Sometimes, antibiotics may be necessary to fully cure an infection and herbal remedies may help relieve symptoms, but alone they may only prolong and make a condition worsen.

            There are always potential dangers when using other forms of treatment. It is important to research any drug interactions with other medications, allergies, sensitivities, and side effects with herbal remedies. One should be sure to consult a physician before using natural home remedies to treat or cure a symptom. 

A Few Home Remedies That I use:

1. Fish Oil- Shown to help lower cholesterol, lower fat cells (triglycerides), act as a natural anti-inflammatory. Naturally, my HDL (good cholesterol) is decently high above 60 mg, and my overall cholesterol has always been high due to other genetic factors. Typically, athletes have a higher cholesterol level and this is completely safe, but be sure to check your levels regularly and ensure you decrease if not eliminate saturated and trans-fats, the bad ones, and increase your fiber intake. 

2. B-Complex- Being a vegetarian for almost half of my life, it is a necessity that I am getting enough B-vitamins helping my body to function properly and feel 100% all of the time. I again get these from my local health food store. 

3. Liquid Chlorophyll- I purchase this is my local health food store on Main Street in Santa Monica, putting a few drops in my water at least 2x a day. Due to my poor circulation from having Raynaud's Phenomenon, I do this to prevent the usual vasoconstriction I suffer from, especially after doing long runs...the coldness in my hands and feet will never go away, but I feel it has subsided since taking this alternative approach.  

4. Spirulina-Important for immune and energy function, I sprinkle this into my raw juices a few times a week to add a high source of plant proteins. 

5. Lemons- My favorite natural detoxifier! I sip warm lemon water almost daily to help with digestion, improved circulation and detoxification of the liver and all organs, a natural skin detoxifier helping to keep the skin radiant and hydrated. I have also heard that squeezed lemon is good to place on skin to help with skin discoloration and to lighten. It can also be used to remove bad odors from the body and to clean hands. 

6. Oats- I buy these (organic) in bulk from Whole Foods, mix them with warm water and place on face as a mask for about 20 minutes, removing with luke warm water. 

7. Honey- Also helping aide in skin detoxification and clearing skin to make appear radiant, honey can be placed on the face for about 20 minutes as well as in hair and washed out with luke warm water to add moisture and kill bacteria. 

Furthermore- there are A TON of home remedies out there. Check out this website to see about an alternative home remedy for your use of a medical condition or ailment!