Welcome all nutrition conscious individuals who on a daily basis lead a busy life! Do not fear, you don't have to necessarily make poor nutrition and fitness choices as a response to the daily stresses of life. Instead, focus on meeting your expectations for yourself by making the best nutrition and exercise choices on a constant basis and you will notice increased energy, positive outlooks, and how your views on the stresses of life may become less and less.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Running...A Love Hate Relationship

"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable." 
-Sir Roger Bannister, first runner to run a sub-4 minute mile

My friends call me crazy for waking up at 6am, with four hours of sleep, and running a 10k in the pouring rain a few weeks ago. I told them they are the crazy ones for not accompanying me in an invigorating adrenaline rush! I have been running since I was about twelve years old, and I suppose everyone has been calling me crazy since then!

Running has gotten me through a lot, and has been my personal escape from society. It helped me get past bouts of being hospitalized as a child, and I still credit running to improving my immune system and making me the healthy person I have become. Running is my escape from drama with my friends, a break from relationships, and a relief from the stresses of school and work. Running has been there for me during the coping of lost loved ones, and overall, the hardship that comes with life. I also credit running to the exuberant individual I have grown into over the years.  

What first crosses my mind when people tell me they hate running, is that they aren't doing it right. A lot of people who ask me to train them and push them to run solely do it just to get it over with. I on the other hand, run not only to stay in shape, but for the enjoyment. I admit I have a love hate relationship with running, dreading some of those early morning or late night runs and making excuses for myself to skip them. And I know, every run isn't going to be great.

I have seen firsthand a growth in appreciation for running after training a few of my friends. Going from dreading our weekly runs to asking me when we can run again and telling me they want to keep going after the first few miles is a rewarding experience.

What are you 
scared of? 

I have been told by numerous people that they are afraid of running and think it takes up way too much time. Most people think running is mundane and are scared of being fatigued. A lot of people are also scared to run outdoors and feel the only way they can run is on a treadmil.  

Look, I'm insanely busy, as everyone else is too, and most days I can only spare an hour, or even a half an hour, and if I can fit in a few miles, so can you. What people don't realize is that running probably takes less time than getting dressed and making your way to the gym. Instead, all you need to do is throw on running clothes, running shoes, grab your keys and head out the door for a quick workout session if you have time constraints. What exactly is the deal with everyone being so scared to run outdoors? Running on a treadmil is not only mundane, it also can be harder based on the incline and speed. Running outdoors gives you an excuse to get fresh air, clear your mind with no one around, and gives you the opportunity to switch up your scenery. Trust me, no one is judging you. 

I have also found that a lot of people have a fear of running in races. However, I have complete faith in everyone around me that they can easily run a 5K. I would advise new runners to train for a 5k and build your way up. I have devised a plan shown below, increasing runs on a weekly basis to prepare you physically and mentally. It doesn't matter how fast you go, or if you have to walk, the focus needs to be on completing the race! Follow this plan and you will successfully finish the race, get in better shape, and maybe even find an appreciation for running. 

Running questions? Training questions? Wondering if I will take you on a run? Just email me!

CT=cross train. Bike, swim, yoga, hike, pilates, weightlifting, etc.











 1.5 m run


1.5 m run


 2 m run

 30 min EZ



 2 m run


1 m run


 2.5 m run

 30 min EZ



 2 mi run


1.5 m run


 2.5 m run

 30 min EZ



 2.5 m run


1.5 m run


 3 m run

 35-40 min EZ



 3 m run


1.5 m run


 3.5 m run

 35-40 min EZ



 3.5 m run


1.5 m run


 4 m run

 35-40 min EZ



 3 m run


1.5 m run


 4 m run

 40 min EZ



 3 m run


2 m run



 5K Race!