Headache? Bloated Feeling? Skin Rash? These are just a few of the symptoms of having a wheat allergy or intolerance.
A wheat-free diet involves cutting out all products made from wheat and wheat flour, such as bread. It is not the same as a gluten-free diet. On a wheat-free diet you just have to cut out wheat products alone, but on a gluten-free diet you must cut out all wheat, oats, barley and rye, because all of these foods contain gluten.
Food allergies are turning into a part of life for a large population of people around the world. Finding gluten free products in stores, restaurants, online, in physicians offices is becomming more prevalent as more people are being affected by this life altering food allergy. The fact is, not being able to go out and have a beer with coworkers, order pasta at an Italian restaurant, have a piece of pizza, a sandwich, have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, or pretty much any staple food in the carbohydrate category, is a huge pain and inconvenience for anyone with this intolerance. However, consuming gluten and wheat when you have an intolerance or Celiac's Disease can tear away at your intestines and gut in general, making you very ill.
An alarming 35-50% of the human population is gluten sensitive, while about 70% is lactose sensitive.
An alarming 35-50% of the human population is gluten sensitive, while about 70% is lactose sensitive.
Why is wheat difficult to digest?
Wheat is highly processed and highly sprayed. During processing, wheat germ is stripped from the grain and this process reduces its nutritional content. This means that the body is less equipped to process the toxins from the chemicals from spraying and from the refining process. The liver quickly becomes overwhelmed and stores the toxins in fat cells. Secondly, the wheat protein, called gluten, is very hard to digest.When we consume foods that we are intolerant to we cannot efficiently digest them, which ultimately leads to constipation and not letting go of waste products. In response, the toxin levels in our body rises and the liver stores these toxins in our fat cells. As the toxin levels increase, fat cells in our body are created and maintained to assist with the storage of these toxins. When cut out the foods we are intolerant to, our toxin levels fall and the body disposes of the fat cells.
Although these aspects of having gluten intolerance sounds unbearable, having a wheat allergy may actually benefit you in more than one way and more products will be available as the years go on to make this intolernace a cinch to handle!
The benefits of avoiding wheat and gluten:
The following is a list of diseases that may benefit from gluten and wheat free lifestyle:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Neuromyelitis (inflammation of the nervous system)
- Peripheral neuropathies
- Seizures
- Autism
- Ataxia (loss of balance)
- Late-onset Friedreich ataxia
- Down’s syndrome
- ognitive problems (brain fog)
- Osteoporosis
- Type 2 and Type 1 diabetes
- Anemia
My Wheat Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, Sugar Free ALMOND BUTTER CUPS!
- Itchy skin and acne prone skin
- Rashes
- Upper respiratory tract problems, sinusitis, allergies, glue ear.
- Malabsorption, anemia, fatigue, osteoporosis, insomnia, lack of calcium, lack of iron and folic acid.
- Bowel complaints, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and distention, spastic colon, Chron's disease, diverticulitis.
- Autoimmune problems: rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, Chron's disease.
- Nervous system diseases: motor neurone disease, epilepsy
- Mental problems: depression, behavioral difficulties, ADD, ADHD
- Buckwheat, bean, sorghum, amaranth, teff, montina, coconut, mesquite, soy, brown rice, quinoa, cornmeal, tapioca, sweet rice, arrowroot, muesli.
- There is nothing harmful about eliminating wheat from your diet. On the contrary, it forces you to eat better by eliminating a lot of crappy, unhealthy food from your diet, and forcing you to rethink what you eat. By cutting back on processed foods in general, especially those foods that contain refined wheat, it will be a sure to improve health and overall well-being!
- Helpful Websites: