- Research has shown that over 2/3 of all deaths in the US are diet related
- More than 50% of all deaths are caused from coronary coclusion-blockage of the blood flow to the heart and/or brain
- According to the Journal of American Medical Association, fourteen hundred American's are dying of cancer everyday and they concluded that
none of the risk factors for cancer is...more significant than diet and nutrition."
- When mixed with liquids, the chia seed forms into a gel like substance in your stomach, slowing carbohydrate conversion to sugars thus creating an increased fueling effect for your body and increasing endurance, and also aids in weight loss.
- Chia seeds have hydrophilic properties and can hold on to about 12 times its weight in water, prolonging hydration and are recommended for athletes.
- A solid source of protein, promotes growth of muscle tissue for athletes.
- High in Omega 3 fatty acids, 3-10 times that of other grains, which help nourish skin cells, aid in respiration and oxygen transport.
- A rich source of calcium, containing the mineral boron, which acts as catalyst for the absorption and utilization of the calcium by the body.
- Chia seeds do not need to be ground like the flax seed to be able to process them in the digestive system.
Mix Chia seeds into yogurt, sprinkle them on cereal or oatmeal, add to salads, or even add them to your baking for optimal health benefits!