Welcome all nutrition conscious individuals who on a daily basis lead a busy life! Do not fear, you don't have to necessarily make poor nutrition and fitness choices as a response to the daily stresses of life. Instead, focus on meeting your expectations for yourself by making the best nutrition and exercise choices on a constant basis and you will notice increased energy, positive outlooks, and how your views on the stresses of life may become less and less.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Anywhere, Anytime 30 minute Workouts!

30 minute Interval 

5-minute warm-up
    Jumping jacks
    1 minute intervals
    30 second rest

10 x 1.5 minute intervals
30 second intense for the following workouts and 1 minute recovery and rest
1.  woodchops 15 each side 8-10 lb weight

2.  plank

3.  side plank right side

4.  side plank left side

5.  boat pose

6.  straight leg sit ups

7.  fly 8-10 lb weights

8.  Curls 8-10 lb weights

9.  Leg lifts

10. Glute kick-backs resistance band

5-minutes cool-down
   cat and cow 


Jumping Jacks- Stand tall with your feet together with your hands by your sides.  Keep your core tight the whole time.  This movement should be controlled and swift.  Jump your feet vertically out while at the same time moving your hands over your head.  Return to starting position and repeat. 

Woodchops- Attach one end of your resistance band into a secure place close to the ground.  Grab the other end of the band.  Step a few steps away from the secured end to create tension.  Rotating the body and bring arms across the body toward the sky in a diagonal movement.  Arms should be straight at all times.  Make sure you rotate hips and knees to avoid injury.  Repeat on other side.   

Plank- Lie on a mat on your stomach.  Lift yourself onto your toes and forearms.  Keep your abs tight and your back flat the whole time.  Don’t let your hips sag.  Your body should be in complete alignment.  

Side Plank- Lie on your side.  Make sure your body is in alignment.  Place your elbow underneath your shoulder.  Rest on your forearm.  Lift your body off of the ground and prop your body up on your forearm and foot.  Keep your core tight throughout the whole plank. 
Boat Pose- Sit down on your mat.  Bend your knees and draw them into your chest.  With your feet still on the ground, place your arms straight out in front of you.  Slowly lift your feet off the ground and extend your legs into the air at a 45 degrees angle.  Hold for the time allotted and return to start position.  Keep your back straight the whole time.   

Straight leg crunch- Lie on your back on your mat, legs straight out. Place your hands behind your head without interlocking fingers.  Lift your shoulders off the ground and crunch up toward your legs all the way up to 90 degrees while keeping legs straight on the ground.  Slowly lower down and repeat. 

Fly- Stand with a bend at the waist and back straight, shoulders back. Hold weights in hands and pull backward, keeping shoulders down and aligned and squeeze latissimus dorsi (back muscles) and then release. 
Curl- Hold weights to your side and raise slowly all the way up to shoulders, palms facing towards body. Squeeze muscles for a contraction and breathe in, on the release, breathe out and lower completely to straight arm, repeat. 
Leg Lifts- Lie flat on ground legs straight out, place hands behind head. Raise legs while remaining straight and lower slowly, repeat. 

Glute kick back w/ bands- Grad your resistance band.  Grab each handle and step onto it a little more than hip width apart.  Place your hands onto your hips.  Stand tall core tight.  Slowly and controlled take your first leg and kick your heel back about a foot.  Hold for a few seconds and repeat on the other side. 
Equilibrium stretch- Lower down to hands and knees. Slowly raise your left arm and right leg and stretch and lengthen through your core while engaging abdominal muscles. Switch arm and leg slowly and return to start. 
Cat and Cow- Get on your hands and knees, your hands should be under your shoulder and your knees under your hips.  Inhale and draw your belly button into your spine and slowly arch your back.  Tops of feet should be flat on the ground.  Neck should be bent and eyes should be looking at the navel.  Exhale and begin to push the stomach to the ground.  Eyes should be looking up at the ceiling while your feet are curled up on your toes.  Start this movement at the spine first.  The neck should be the last to move.