Welcome all nutrition conscious individuals who on a daily basis lead a busy life! Do not fear, you don't have to necessarily make poor nutrition and fitness choices as a response to the daily stresses of life. Instead, focus on meeting your expectations for yourself by making the best nutrition and exercise choices on a constant basis and you will notice increased energy, positive outlooks, and how your views on the stresses of life may become less and less.

Monday, January 18, 2010

When Life Hands You Lemons, Drink Warm Lemon Water!

Most nutritionists, dieticians, health journals and books will advise drinking warm lemon water on a daily basis, first thing in the morning and throughout the day.

"Man does not live off the food he eats but off of the energy that is produced from the food he eats.”

The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss in his book Back to Eden:

“The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the system of impurities.”

Although lemons are acidic, they are alkalizing in your body.

Weight Loss and Digestion
  • Drinking warm lemon water on a daily basis also paves way for losing weight faster and is known as a great weight loss remedy. The natural diuretic properties of lemons help flush toxins from the body helping with water weight loss.
  • Digestive symptoms such as heartburn and bloating are often relieved with the constant use of warm lemon water.
  • There are numeruos studies worldwide discussing lemon juice in hot water as a daily natural treatment for constipation. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea.
Detoxifying Properties and Digestion
  • The fact is, lemons are full of vitamin C and vitamin A that enhances beauty, rejuvenating skin from within and has detoxifying effects on the organs.
  • Skin: acts as antiseptic medicine and as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. If applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars and reduces burning sensations as a cooling agent.
  • Lemon water flushes out body toxins and thus is extremely beneficial for the body. A wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquifying the bile. The liver can make more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element. Also acts as a liver tonic, producing more bile.
  • In pregnancy, it will help to build bone in the child, building up the bony structure.
  • It decreases the amount of phlegm produced by your body.
  • Studies mention the thought of lemons to help dissolve gallstones
Immunity and Disease Prevention
  • Lemon, a fruit popular for its therapeutic properties, helps promote your immune system and thus, protects you from the clutches of most types of infections. It also plays the role of blood purifier. Limewater juice works wonders for people having heart problem, owing to its high potassium content.
  • Due to the high levels of potassium, calcium, phosophorus, magnesium, and vitamins C and A, lemons are useful in the formation of albumin in the blood.
  • Known as a preventative food for asthma, biliousness, colds, coughs, sore throats, diptheria, heartburn, scurvy, fever, and rheumatism.
  • Lemons and other vitamin C rich foods provide protection against inflammation.
  • Cancer- there are various laboratory tests and journals stating that citrus limonoids have been shown to fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach, and colon. And also aide in the prevention of neuroblastoma tumors, often occuring in children.
  • Lemons exert a high level of antiproliferation activity due to the limonoids ability to stay in the bloodstream for extended periods of time, suppressing cancer cell growth.
Lemon Remedies and Usages

Normal every day usages: heat 8 ounces water to be luke warm and squeeze half lemon. Drink unlimited amounts throughout the day for optimal results. Opt for bright yellow, glossy and smooth lemons. Roll the lemon under your palm on a counter to soften for maximum juice yield. Lemons will last a few weeks, or up to six weeks if refridgerated. Simply cut in half for juice, or poke a small hole in lemon for minimal juice.   
  • Sore Throat: dilute lemon juice with water and gargle frequently. Dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water. It is even better to use straight lemon juice.
  • Asthma, take a tablespoon of lemon juice one hour before each meal.
  • Liver complaints: the juice of the lemon should be taken in a glass of hot water one hour before breakfast every morning.
  • Heartburn: one teaspoon of lemon juice in a half glass of water.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: one or two ounces of lemon juice diluted in water should be taken three times a day, one hour before meals and at bedtime.
  • Excessuve Menstration: the juice of three to four lemons a day will help with relief. Best to take the juice of one lemon at a time in a glass of cold water.
  • Colds: Combined with a teaspoon of honey or with ginger with eight ounces of water.
  • Hair: Helps remove buildup. Use a few drops of lemon mixed with water and shampoo and condition.
Be Weary of Lemons at Restaurants...
You may or may not have heard about the contaminated lemon slices found in restaurants. If you order lemon water regularly though, this information will come in handy!
The article was published in December, 2007 in the Journal of Environmental Health. It was co-authored by Anne LaGrange Loving and John Perz. Loving collected 76 lemon slices from 21 restaurants on 43 visits in Patterson, New Jersey. She swabbed both the lemon slice and the glass on which the slice had been placed immediately after the glass had been brought to her. Contamination was found on both the flesh and the rind of most of the lemon wedges, although how it got there was not determined. Some of it could have come from the fruit where it was picked and/or some of it could have come from the hands of employees. Still some of it could have originated from contaminated work surfaces. Overall, opt for lemon water at home and picked on your own that are preferably organic and free of chemicals!