Welcome all nutrition conscious individuals who on a daily basis lead a busy life! Do not fear, you don't have to necessarily make poor nutrition and fitness choices as a response to the daily stresses of life. Instead, focus on meeting your expectations for yourself by making the best nutrition and exercise choices on a constant basis and you will notice increased energy, positive outlooks, and how your views on the stresses of life may become less and less.

Friday, January 22, 2010

3 Apples a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away...

I have been eating one apple a day for the past year at least, and am going to start amping that number up to 2 or 3 if I can stomach it. The truth is, a medium sized apples contains about 5 grams of fiber, and with 3 apples a day, you're knocking out 15 grams of fiber out the 25-38 grams recommended by many physicians and nutritionists. With 0 grams of cholesterol and fat, and low on the Glycemic index, apples are a wonderful fruit to include in your diet on a daily basis.  

Start everyday off with an apple. First thing in the morning, you are probably going to be craving some type of carbohydrate rich staple breakfast food- cereal, toast, a bagel, croissant, etc. Trust me on this one, try eating an apple instead first thing in the morning for breakfast and see how you feel after a few weeks of this. When you eat fruit such as apples, pears, berries, etc, after a meal, it literally sits on top of the food and all nutrients are not absorbed and that fruit does not digest properly. When you eat an apple on an empty stomach, it gives the body a chance to fully absorb all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. Apples are a rich source of phenoylics- chlorogenic acid and catechin. And also high in beta-carotene and flavonoids including phloridizin and quercetin. 

Eating 1 apple a day has great health benefits, but eating 3 apples a day has even better health benefits!

  • weight loss
    • high in dietary fiber, aids in digestion
    • One study I found from The University of Rio de Janeiro stated that based on evidence, women who added 3 apples a day to a low-fat diet increased weight-loss compared to those who did not.
  • brain health
    • Apples have just the right dose of antioxidants to raise the levels of acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter- that is essential to memory. 
    • Increases learning ability and cognitive function.
    • May contribute to age-related diseases that affect the brain such as Alzheimer's Disease. 
  • heart health
    • Reduces plaque build-up in arteries
    • For every 10 grams of fiber added to the diet a day, from two apples a day, there is a 14% decrease in heart disease 
    • Other studies discussed the apple peel was associated with a decreased risk in developing heart disease 
  • cancer fighting
    • Many studies I found discussed that the flavanoids in apples inhibited the growth of cancerous cells. 
  • stroke prevention
    • The phytochemicals in apples has been found to lower the chances of stroke in numerous studies published. 
  • diabetes 
    • Diabetics who consumed apples had smaller spikes in glucose after eating, possibly due to the soluble fiber content.
First hand, I can tell you that after eating an apple nearly every morning, I feel lighter, more energetic, and completely satisfied. Typically I eat one apple in the morning with warm lemon water or hot herbal tea, and then a few hours later eat raw nuts, vegetables, more fruit, or a brown rice cake until lunch. Then, I typically eat an apple before lunch or mid afternoon on an empty stomach for the most nutritional gain. 

On a side note, opt for organic apples- they are chemical and antibiotic free. With the skin being high in fiber and nutrients, you don't want to put a ton of unknown substances into your body, do you?