Welcome all nutrition conscious individuals who on a daily basis lead a busy life! Do not fear, you don't have to necessarily make poor nutrition and fitness choices as a response to the daily stresses of life. Instead, focus on meeting your expectations for yourself by making the best nutrition and exercise choices on a constant basis and you will notice increased energy, positive outlooks, and how your views on the stresses of life may become less and less.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ever wonder what that green grass is that people are ordering shots of at the juice bar? Some say they need to detox, others say they need a pick-me-up mid-day at work, and you may even hear someone mention they need a shot of wheatgrass to help cure a cold. Little do these people know, wheatgrass has a lot of benefits that may just provide daily needs!

Wheatgrass, as the name suggests, is the grass of young wheat plants.  It is also a powerful health food supplement that is packed with highly concentrated vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes.  Nutritionally, wheatgrass is a complete food that contains 98 of the 102 earth elements.

Wheatgrass and wheatgrass juice are excellent ways to get dark greens in the diet.  Pound for pound, wheatgrass is more than twenty times denser in nutrients than other choice vegetables.  Since it is considered a vegetable in the grass stage, wheatgrass is safe for people with wheat allergies.  Juicing unlocks even more nutrients from wheatgrass, making them more concentrated and usable to the cells of the body.

One of the ingredients with major benefit in wheatgrass is chlorophyll, which has the ability to draw toxins from the body like a magnet.  Considered the "blood of plants", chlorophyll can soothe and heal tissues internally.  The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is high in oxygen and light energy, which can provide the brain and body tissues with an optimal environment in which to function.  The chlorophyll in wheatgrass also has antibacterial properties, which can stop the development of harmful bacteria in the body.

Wheatgrass juice has external benefits as well.  It can be used as a scalp treatment to restore luster to hair, as a skin cleanser and astringent, and as a sinus treatment.

Wheatgrass juice can also be added to bath water to stimulate circulation, and it can be applied topically to help heal cuts and bruises.  In addition, gargling with wheatgrass juice can ease a sore throat.

A major benefit of taking wheatgrass juice is that it is easily digested with little energy.  Wheatgrass provides crude chlorophyll from a living plant, which is the most effective way to gain the full therapeutic benefits of chlorophyll.  Just an ounce of wheatgrass juice per day provides a host of benefits, while a therapeutic program to treat a specific condition or illness may include two or three ounces.  It is a complete food with no side effects.  Many people grow their own organic wheatgrass and use juicers to make their own juice.

One Shot of Wheatgrass Juice

  • One ounce contains 103 vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • One ounce of wheatgrass juice represents as much nutritional value as approximately 2.5 pounds of fresh green vegetables.
  • Wheatgrass juice is high in chlorophyll.
  • It is very high in vitamins A, B-Complex, C, E and K.
  • Wheatgrass juice is a natural source of laetrile (B-17).
  • It contains beta-carotene, which is found in red, green and yellow pigmented fruits and vegetables.  Beta-carotene acts as a scavenger against harmful molecules flowing naturally through the body or through toxins inhaled from cigarette smoke, air pollution and other damaging sources.
  • Wheatgrass cleanses, purifies and feeds the body by activating the white blood cells, which boost the body's immune system.
  • Wheatgrass juice is also beneficial for people who need to lose weight or cleanse their bodies.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Socializing Diet Plan

Numerous studies say: “alcohol does not lead to weight gain”, but why are you gaining weight when you drink? From high caloric drinks to unconsciously indulging in food while drinking, alcohol can indeed lead to weight gain through improper use. Follow the guide below to help you get through a weekend of partying!  

Calories in Drinks:
ü     Double vodka, soda, lime = 131 calories (Single is only 65) 
ü     Sake- 1 ounce = 39 calories
ü     Sake Bomb with 1 pint light beer = 212 calories
ü     Single rum and diet = 65 calories
ü     Single gin and tonic = 120 calories
ü     Single whiskey and diet = 64 calories
ü     Tequila = about 100 calories
ü     1 pint light beer = Most range from 90-130 calories
o      Amstel Light = 99 calories, 5g carbs
o      Corona Light = 105 calories, 5g carbs
ü     Wine =
o      Champage = 133 calories
o      White = 116-130 calories
o      Red = 119 calories
ü     Bloody Mary = 118 calories, opt for low sodium tomato juice
ü     Mimosa = 75 calories
ü     Long Island = 700 calories
ü     Martini = 160 calories
ü     Margarita = 280 calories
ü     Mojito = 214 calories

Key Points:
ü     Drink excessive water before drinking and going to bed- opt for at least 32 oz
ü     Stick to non-carbonated drinks, carbonation can speed up alcohol absorption
ü     Alcohol causes a loss of potassium from the body, eat a banana before bed or in the morning
ü     Try to stick to clear alcohols, such as white wine, vodka, gin...It is believed that the darker the alcoholic drink, the more likely it is to cause hangovers as it contains more congeners, the substance in alcohol that is thought to cause headaches.

ü     Before setting off to drink eat some almonds; wise American Indians advise taking six raw almonds before alcohol intake to help against getting drunk and peanut butter is an African remedy; so have one of these snacks before you go get drunk.
ü     Alternate alcoholic drink with a regular drink such as having a vodka soda and then having soda water with a lime.
ü     Avoid drink mixers, which can add up to 100 extra calories and a ton of sugar per drink. Instead- soda water or diet soda for 0 calories.
ü     Avoid excessive salty foods while drinking:
o      Chips and salsa, sodium loaded appetizers such as nachos, fries, chips, spinach artichoke dip or any dip, these all contain extremely high amounts of salt and calories and will make you feel bloated and gross.
o      Your body actually will slow down in alcohol absorption if you are eating small amounts while drinking, however, these calories can easily add up and cause you to add on another 1,000 calories, so be weary if you are drinking at a meal or at a party. 

ü     Instead:
o      Hummus and vegetables and pita
o      Baked chips and salsa/guacamole
o      Crackers and cheese- swiss is the lowest in lactose and low in cals
o      Grilled artichoke, this can have up to 1500 calories in it, but if you are splitting it with 4+ people, it’s a little bit more reasonable, and avoid the dip, which can add on another few hundred calories for just a small spoonful.
o      Sushi or Sashimi- excellent choice, as long as you can avoid sauces and crab, which is high in sodium and is extremely processed and fake, it actually contains ketchup and other weird ingredients and opt out of having soy sauce. Always ask for brown rice sushi if possible- go for salmon, tuna, shrimp, real crab, or yellowtail.

Foods that Naturally “Detox”
§       Warm Lemon Water: stimulates the release of enzymes and helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that’s easily excreted from the body. Drinking lemon water, which is alkaline- forming first thing in the morning, will help to balance out the acidity foods we’ve consumed.
§       Artichoke Extract- Increases bile production and purifies and protects the liver and has a diuretic effect on the kidneys.
§       Asparagus: helps to support and maintain restorative properties that promote good bacteria in the intestines.
§       Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower) increase levels of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that supports the liver in releasing toxins
§       Watercress: purifies the blood and encourages enzyme production.
§       Leafy Greens (Kale, Chard, Dandelion and Spinach) are considered a powerhouse of nutrients. They are a rich source of minerals and provide a variety of phytonutrients. They are super antioxidants that support cleansing of the digestive tract.

The Morning After:
ü     Hung-over or not, if you had more than 1 drink, your body is full of toxins from over consumption and is working hard to process that alcohol. Most people want to eat as horrible as possible the next day, which is where drinking can lead to weight gain, due to poor eating choices while intoxicated or the morning after. You may think, “I need carbs to soak up the alcohol”. This is not the case- instead, you need a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat and a high supply of nutrients to get your body back into balance!

ü     Breakfast Option:
o      Egg white omelet with vegetables
o      no butter or added salt/spices
o      sliced tomatoes
o      fruit
o      1-2 slices of whole grain toast, dry
o      Opt for a raw juice such as carrot-apple-ginger-lemon if you have the option. And of course, warm or cold lemon water.
o      Fage 0% Greek yogurt, 1 banana, 1 cup strawberries, cinnamon
ü     Lunch Options:
o      Ahi tuna with lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil, 1 cup brown rice and 1 cup grilled asparagus and brussells sprouts
o      Dandelion and spinach raw salad with watercress and garbanzo beans, no salt added, balsamic and red wine vinegar, ½ cup brown rice
ü     Dinner Options:  
o      Steamed broccoli, asparagus with grilled chicken breast or piece of fish. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Abby's 20 Day, No Sugar Challenge!!

Who? YOU!  
Why? Because sugar is the devil! This is a time for you to use your will power and see how long you can go without sugar. In the end, it all comes down to mental strength. Prove to yourself and those around you that you can do this by eliminating the processed substance that brings havoc to your body. I promise you will see incredible results physically and mentally once you cut out this horrible additive! 
When? Starting now, March 24, 2011

Rules of The Game
  • Think before you eat!! 
  • Fruit is allowed, as it is naturally sweetened and provides vital nutrients. 
  • Keep track of everything you put in your mouth and take each day at a time. 
  • If you can successfully go 20 full days without sugar in any form listed below, keep going for as many days as you can to fully benefit from cutting out this highly processed chemical from your diet! 
  • Focus on avoiding processed foods, they usually contain some form of sugar and are highly processed.
  • clean eating = clean body and mind!
Sugar comes in many forms, look for these words on each label that you read. Sugar is hidden in many foods, so be sure to read each label very carefully of everything you purchase!

  • Agave Nectar
  • Corn sweetener
  • Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids
  • Dehydrated Cane Juice
  • Dextrin
  • Dextrose
  • Fructose
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Glucose
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Honey
  • Invert sugar
  • Lactose
  • Maltodextrin
  • Malt syrup
  • Maltose
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Raw sugar
  • Rice Syrup
  • Saccharose
  • Sorghum or sorghum syrup
  • Sucrose
  • Syrup
  • Treacle
  • Turbinado Sugar
  • Xylose
***REMEMBER- Regardless of what type of sugar you are consuming, your body does not care what the label says, it negatively affects you regardless! 

Good Luck!!!!! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Go Nuts for Nuts!!!!

            Nuts have an unfair reputation to dieters as a concentrated source of fat and calories, and therefore should be avoided. Truth be told, this is not the case when nuts are eaten in moderation. Indeed, a variety of nuts are recommended by many health care providers- nutritionists, physician’s, trainers, and alternative medical practitioners as a tool for weight loss as long as one serving, an ounce is consumed a day. Preliminary evidence has suggested that although nuts are high in calories and fat, they help people lose weight and maintain. They also help people stick to a healthy diet more efficiently than fat-free foods that are high in carbohydrates. The reason- they provide a feeling of satiety.

            Ranked from highest nutrient dense nuts to lowest, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, chestnuts, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, pecans, and macadamias, are each said to be fat burning foods, conducive for dieting. Containing protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, the amino acid arginine, vitamin E, copper, folic acid, magnesium, and antioxidants, a small handful can go a very long way nutritionally. According to findings in a 2007 study by Leonore H. Dvorkin, nuts are the highest source of plant protein, specifically almonds with nearly six grams per ounce, promoting satiety and curbing appetite, causing one to consume overall lower calories on a daily basis. Either way, almost every type of nut is loaded with nutrients packed into a tiny powerhouse.

            Nuts contain the healthy fats, promoting a number of benefits for dieting. Kathleen Zelman mentions the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as omega-3 fatty acids in nuts help lower LDL, the bad cholesterol, decrease fat levels, ultimately decreasing body weight and should be a part of a balanced diet in her well written article.  Various studies have shown that people who consume nuts tend to eat excess fruits and vegetables, an excellent combination for dieting and weight loss. Nuts provide other possible benefits such as preventing diabetes, improving walls of the arteries, preventing heart attacks, and improving brain function, which are important factors of preventative medicine. 

            Nuts are necessary in a diet but only when consumed in moderation. Most people cannot just stop with one serving of nuts, which is typically one ounce, a small handful or anywhere from fifteen to thirty when counted. The goal is to consume nuts in place of other saturated fats in the diet. When consuming nuts, focus on chewing thoroughly to break down the food. The best options for nuts is buying the pre-packaged single serving sizes of raw, unsalted nuts sold at the local health food grocery store, typically ranging from 150-210 calories a serving.  Avoid the mixed nuts containing dry fruit and added salt to avoid excess sodium, sugar, and calorie intake. Oftentimes, the body will become very full from one serving of nuts that consuming more would be out of the question!

            Overall, dieting should be about a consistent, clean eating meal plan that includes one serving of nuts a few days a week at minimum. There have been numerous studies stating that eating small portions of nuts aides dieters in losing weight from the high protein and fiber content, keeping them full longer.  It is important to remember that the body will use the fat in nuts for energy, but if there is excess fat from over-consumption of nuts, the body will simply take that fat and calories into storage, resulting in weight gain, but if eaten in moderation, nuts will help with a healthy weight loss plan. 

What to buy and eat?
Opt for Trader Joe's Brand- unsalted and raw almonds or cashews that are already broken down into single serving bags. Want to be more eco-friendly? Buy the full sized bags at Trader Joe's, and separate them yourself by measuring out the exact amounts of almonds and storing in an airtight container to preserve freshness. If you have issues digesting nuts, feel free to soak them in water for 4-8 hours and dry then for another 8 hours, which helps with the breaking down process the body goes through when nuts are consumed. 

To help understand a one ounce serving size use this guideline: 
peanuts (170 calories for 30 nuts)
almonds (160 calories for 24 nuts)
walnuts (180 calories for 14 nuts)
pistachios (170 calories for 47 shelled nuts)
cashews (170 calories for 20 nuts)
pecans (190 calories for 20 halves)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Natural Home Remedies

Home remedies are often described as an alternative to medicine or chemicals, containing minimal side effects while being cost efficient. They are typically made from fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and oils, being referred to as all natural, some being found in basic household items. There are various things in the house that can easily be converted to a treatment or relief of symptoms ranging from the common cold to heart disease.

            Home remedies can be used to treat many different medical conditions as an alternative to western medicine such as prescribed pills and ointments. Eating foods or supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseed, and other foods and taking ginkgo extract have been shown to be a natural remedy to calm asthma symptoms as opposed to taking an inhaler.  Taking grape seed extract, bilberry extract, or dandelion tea has been studied to be beneficial for reducing edema or swelling in the lower extremities as opposed to taking prescribed diuretics from a physician.  To prevent heartburn or acid reflux, it has been said that taking licorice, slippery elm or sipping chamomile tea can be of help. These are just a few out of the numerous remedies enlisted worldwide by thousands of people.

Types of Benefits
There are various benefits to using home remedies, saving money as one of the top ones. Other benefits including eliminating possible adverse effects of prescribed medications, including drug-drug interactions, stomach ulcers and pain, skin rash, weight loss or gain, nausea, and others depending on the prescription. A major pro to using fruits, vegetables, teas, herbs, oils, and other remedies is that they can reap all-around health benefits not only pertaining to the root cause. For instance, sipping mint tea may act as a protector the body of bad bacteria and may also relax the stomach muscles, combat gas, and stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.  A fish oil supplement each day has been shown to reduce blood pressure, and will also keep triglyceride levels at a low. The list is endless when it comes to the benefits of secret natural home remedies. 

            Although there are various benefits, home remedies may not always be the answer to health problems. Often times, people may turn to alternative forms of medicine such as herbal therapy or another form, when a combination of western and eastern medicine may be required to cure a symptom or disease. Sometimes, antibiotics may be necessary to fully cure an infection and herbal remedies may help relieve symptoms, but alone they may only prolong and make a condition worsen.

            There are always potential dangers when using other forms of treatment. It is important to research any drug interactions with other medications, allergies, sensitivities, and side effects with herbal remedies. One should be sure to consult a physician before using natural home remedies to treat or cure a symptom. 

A Few Home Remedies That I use:

1. Fish Oil- Shown to help lower cholesterol, lower fat cells (triglycerides), act as a natural anti-inflammatory. Naturally, my HDL (good cholesterol) is decently high above 60 mg, and my overall cholesterol has always been high due to other genetic factors. Typically, athletes have a higher cholesterol level and this is completely safe, but be sure to check your levels regularly and ensure you decrease if not eliminate saturated and trans-fats, the bad ones, and increase your fiber intake. 

2. B-Complex- Being a vegetarian for almost half of my life, it is a necessity that I am getting enough B-vitamins helping my body to function properly and feel 100% all of the time. I again get these from my local health food store. 

3. Liquid Chlorophyll- I purchase this is my local health food store on Main Street in Santa Monica, putting a few drops in my water at least 2x a day. Due to my poor circulation from having Raynaud's Phenomenon, I do this to prevent the usual vasoconstriction I suffer from, especially after doing long runs...the coldness in my hands and feet will never go away, but I feel it has subsided since taking this alternative approach.  

4. Spirulina-Important for immune and energy function, I sprinkle this into my raw juices a few times a week to add a high source of plant proteins. 

5. Lemons- My favorite natural detoxifier! I sip warm lemon water almost daily to help with digestion, improved circulation and detoxification of the liver and all organs, a natural skin detoxifier helping to keep the skin radiant and hydrated. I have also heard that squeezed lemon is good to place on skin to help with skin discoloration and to lighten. It can also be used to remove bad odors from the body and to clean hands. 

6. Oats- I buy these (organic) in bulk from Whole Foods, mix them with warm water and place on face as a mask for about 20 minutes, removing with luke warm water. 

7. Honey- Also helping aide in skin detoxification and clearing skin to make appear radiant, honey can be placed on the face for about 20 minutes as well as in hair and washed out with luke warm water to add moisture and kill bacteria. 

Furthermore- there are A TON of home remedies out there. Check out this website to see about an alternative home remedy for your use of a medical condition or ailment! 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Get Juicing in 2011!!!!!

If you know me, then you are aware that I spend most of my free time running, hiking, reading about nutrition and health, beach cruising, doing yoga, and…JUICING….

Raw juice is a major component of my diet and has helped me immensely with overcoming medical setbacks. Due to the high levels of enzymes, fiber, and amounts of fruits and vegetables I consume on a daily basis from juicing, my health and wellness improves daily.
What to do...
Juice at least 2-4 times every few hours, such as 1 cup of green juice with spirulina, red juice, and carrot/apple juice, incorporating protein sources such as edamame, raw almonds, and occasionally Lara Bars throughout the day. And for dinner eat 1 cup of brown rice, vegetables, and another protein sources (fish, beans, split peas, legumes).
Follow one of my many guides below to read about the benefits of juicing and recipes!
Greens are the basis of a healthy dietary program. Juices should contain fresh, organic green vegetables, sending live enzymes, oxygen and phytonutrients directly to your cells. It's the most natural energy source that exists and highly recommended as a part of your daily diet.
The following vegetables should all be included in your daily juice regimen. They contain plenty of water-soluble fiber that supports detoxification and they are all excellent for balancing the system's pH levels.
Contains more easily absorbed calcium than milk! Kale is high in fiber, rich in Lutein, a major anti-cancer phytochemical, and is one of the best sources of beta-carotene, an antioxidant believed to be a major player in the battle against cancer, heart disease, and certain age-related chronic diseases. It is also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Check out Rawk-N-Roll Cuisine for the best tasting kale chips around!!! 

One of the most nutritious salad greens and an excellent source of A, B, and C vitamins, manganese and chromium. As an antioxidant, it battles certain cancers, heart diseases, and cataracts.

The benefits of spinach are endless. A dark, leafy green, spinach possesses several important phytochemicals, including Lutein. It also contains lipoic acid, which helps antioxidant vitamins C and E regenerate. Some other highlights include being a great source of vitamin K, magnesium, protein, and iron, as well as a blood sugar regulator.

Cucumber is the best natural diuretic and aids in kidney, liver, and pancreatic detoxification. The potassium content in cucumbers makes it highly beneficial for conditions of high and low blood pressure.

Celery is highly alkalizing and contains at least 8 families of anti-cancer compounds. It provides inflammation relief and has been known to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

One of the most potent disease-fighting spices, it aids in blood purification, fatigue, digestive restoration, and is great for clear skin due to high concentrations of beta carotene and chlorophyll.

Packed with minerals and enzymes, root juices are aimed at cleansing the blood and strengthening the body on a deeply cellular level. Carrots and beets contain powerful healing qualities that can combat free radicals, detox the liver, soothe the nervous system, and strengthen bones and teeth.
Beets are blood-builders. They detoxify the blood and then renew it with minerals. Combined with carrots, consuming beets is a major way to heal the liver and kidneys.

An excellent source of antioxidants and beta-carotene, carrots are easily assimilated into our bodies. They play an outstanding role in anti-cancer effects on the body and provide optimal immune support.

When your body gets a load of the ingredients in a raw juice drink, it will feel renewed and full of life. Fresh servings of lemon, apple, and ginger stimulate the system and alkalize the blood, allowing the body to emphasize its healing power.

Apples are filled vitamin C, antioxidants, and soluble fiber. They are also well a great way to lightly sweeten an otherwise tart juice. Check out my "3 Apples a Day" post to read more about apples! 

Lemons are a natural antiseptic, clearing bad bacteria out of the system. They have an incredibly alkalizing effect on the body, and as they stimulate the digestive system they purify the liver and clear out toxins. I highly recommend adding lemon to everything, especially warm water!

This super root contains many healing properties. Benefits include aiding in digestion, circulation, and inflammation. It is the ultimate fighting nasty cold and flu symptoms and is considered to have many anti-cancer properties.

PLoaded with anti-oxidants, manganese, and an enzyme called bromelain, which is an anti-inflammatory agent.

Pears contain an immense array of beneficial vitamins and minerals, including A, B1, B2, C, E, folic acid and niacin. It is rich in copper and potassium and has a high pectin content which lowers cholesterol levels and has a mild laxative effect.

A wonderful way to soothe the digestive tract, mint also has been known to slow the growth of bacteria in the body and contains many anti-fungal properties.


Coconuts contain Lauric Acid, an essential fatty acid which has been recognized for its properties related to antiviral and antibacterial functions. Coconut helps normalize body lipids, protects against liver damage, and improves the immune system's anti-inflammatory response.

An excellent source of electrolytes, Coconut Water is often thought of as the natural alternative to Gatorade. It contains essential minerals, such as high levels of potassium and calcium. It has an incredibly soothing taste, while it simultaneously provides a natural energy boost to the body.

These contain the highest content of antioxidants of any fresh fruit and have also been known to reduce belly fat.

A rich source of the phytonutrient Phenols, strawberries contain antioxidants which have repeatedly been shown to help protect cell structures in the body and prevent oxygen damage in all of the organ systems. They are heart-protective, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory.

Almonds contain many proteins and vitamins, such as vitamin E, along with minerals that aid in detoxification. They are high in magnesium, iron, and amygdalin, an anti-cancer nutrient. Opt to soak almonds for maximum nutrient absorption.

Helps in the growth and repair of tissues. Delivers magnesium and stimulates red blood cells to improve oxygen supply. Contains vitamins A, C, and E. Helps neutralize the pollution that we breathe in - a good supplement for smokers. Also an effective deodorizer to reduce bad breath and body odor.

Helps to detoxify the body and blood stream and cleanse the colon. Helps with intestinal or stomach problems. Improves circulation and acts as a antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agent, preventing illness.


Opt to ease your way into juicing with a simple recipe such as my favorite: carrot, apple.

Immune Function- Garlic, parsley, celery, carrots and lemon.

Heart Function - Spinach, onions, beets and carrots.

Heart Function - Carrots, garlic, spirulina and cayenne pepper.

General Health- Celery, cucumber, and your choice of 2 greens (parsley, dandelion, kale, spinach, lettuce or cilantro).

Wellness of the Skin - Radishes, sunflower sprouts, celery, carrots and cucumber

Liver Function- Parsley, dandelion, romaine, garlic, beets , carrots.

Kidney Function- Parsley, celery, cucumber and apples.

Stomach Function - Green cabbage, potato, apples and cinnamon.

Colon Function - Parsley, spinach and apples.


Ø    Green apples, celery and lemon.

Ø    Ginger, beets, carrots, apples and lemon.

Ø    Sunflower sprouts, romaine spears, celery and apples.

Ø    Cucumber, celery and apples.

Ø    Kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, cucumber, celery.

Ø    Kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, cucumber, celery, apple, lemon.

Ø    Beet, carrot, kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, cucumber, celery

Ø    Carrot, cucumber, spinach, parsley

Ø    Lemon, cayenne pepper, filtered water

Ø    Pineapple, pear, ginger, mint

Ø    Apple, lemon, ginger

Ø    Blueberry, coconut, pear