Welcome all nutrition conscious individuals who on a daily basis lead a busy life! Do not fear, you don't have to necessarily make poor nutrition and fitness choices as a response to the daily stresses of life. Instead, focus on meeting your expectations for yourself by making the best nutrition and exercise choices on a constant basis and you will notice increased energy, positive outlooks, and how your views on the stresses of life may become less and less.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements...Too Much of a Good Thing?

While some of us believe that taking a multi-vitamin and supplements are pointless and a waste of money, others rely on vitamin popping on a daily basis, spending hundreds of dollars a month. The fact is, most people aren't eating a well balanced diet everyday to ensure requierd vitamin dosages for the body, causing a lot of people to turn to supplementation.

What is the real verdict? In order to actually know what your body requires vitamin wise, you're best bet is to speak with your physician and get a blood test to see deficiencies. Taking a multi-vitamin once a day will most likely benefit the average person, who typically isn't consuming enough fruits and vegetables every single day to meet the requirements.

Most vitamins do have toxic levels if taken consistently in excess, especially the fat-soluble vitamins A and D, which can accumulate i the body. Vitamin A is actually the most toxic vitamin if taken in high levels above the 700-900 mcg recommendation. B-vitamins are water soluble and amounts that do not bind are excreted in urine.

Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, alpha-linolenic acidThe chances of one overdosing on vitamins is not very high, but overdosing on numerous minerals and other supplements is a bit easier. From L-Carnitine to  Fish Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Milk Thistle,

It is estimated that 5-10% of people who take supplements ingest megadoses of certain vitamins and minerals.

Too many vitamins in the body can lead to toxicity and interfere with the bodies natural defense mechanisms. If you take a wide array of supplements a day, you could be at risk for harming your body and storing toxic substances in your liver and organs. This may result in skin rash, hives, nausea, disturbed body systems functioning, liver damage, irritability, weakness, headache, etc. This table provides the daily required vitamins and the dosages at which you should be getting, along with overdose side effects.

On the other hand, taking the right amout of vitamins in complimentary form is extremely beneficial to the body. As we age, our bodies do not absorb vitamins as efficiently. For instance, as we get older, we do not absorb iron as well, but taking it with Vitamin C increases this. Taking Vitamin D with Calcium also increases absorption and overall bone health.

Friday, January 22, 2010

3 Apples a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away...

I have been eating one apple a day for the past year at least, and am going to start amping that number up to 2 or 3 if I can stomach it. The truth is, a medium sized apples contains about 5 grams of fiber, and with 3 apples a day, you're knocking out 15 grams of fiber out the 25-38 grams recommended by many physicians and nutritionists. With 0 grams of cholesterol and fat, and low on the Glycemic index, apples are a wonderful fruit to include in your diet on a daily basis.  

Start everyday off with an apple. First thing in the morning, you are probably going to be craving some type of carbohydrate rich staple breakfast food- cereal, toast, a bagel, croissant, etc. Trust me on this one, try eating an apple instead first thing in the morning for breakfast and see how you feel after a few weeks of this. When you eat fruit such as apples, pears, berries, etc, after a meal, it literally sits on top of the food and all nutrients are not absorbed and that fruit does not digest properly. When you eat an apple on an empty stomach, it gives the body a chance to fully absorb all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. Apples are a rich source of phenoylics- chlorogenic acid and catechin. And also high in beta-carotene and flavonoids including phloridizin and quercetin. 

Eating 1 apple a day has great health benefits, but eating 3 apples a day has even better health benefits!

  • weight loss
    • high in dietary fiber, aids in digestion
    • One study I found from The University of Rio de Janeiro stated that based on evidence, women who added 3 apples a day to a low-fat diet increased weight-loss compared to those who did not.
  • brain health
    • Apples have just the right dose of antioxidants to raise the levels of acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter- that is essential to memory. 
    • Increases learning ability and cognitive function.
    • May contribute to age-related diseases that affect the brain such as Alzheimer's Disease. 
  • heart health
    • Reduces plaque build-up in arteries
    • For every 10 grams of fiber added to the diet a day, from two apples a day, there is a 14% decrease in heart disease 
    • Other studies discussed the apple peel was associated with a decreased risk in developing heart disease 
  • cancer fighting
    • Many studies I found discussed that the flavanoids in apples inhibited the growth of cancerous cells. 
  • stroke prevention
    • The phytochemicals in apples has been found to lower the chances of stroke in numerous studies published. 
  • diabetes 
    • Diabetics who consumed apples had smaller spikes in glucose after eating, possibly due to the soluble fiber content.
First hand, I can tell you that after eating an apple nearly every morning, I feel lighter, more energetic, and completely satisfied. Typically I eat one apple in the morning with warm lemon water or hot herbal tea, and then a few hours later eat raw nuts, vegetables, more fruit, or a brown rice cake until lunch. Then, I typically eat an apple before lunch or mid afternoon on an empty stomach for the most nutritional gain. 

On a side note, opt for organic apples- they are chemical and antibiotic free. With the skin being high in fiber and nutrients, you don't want to put a ton of unknown substances into your body, do you? 

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    Running...A Love Hate Relationship

    "We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable." 
    -Sir Roger Bannister, first runner to run a sub-4 minute mile

    My friends call me crazy for waking up at 6am, with four hours of sleep, and running a 10k in the pouring rain a few weeks ago. I told them they are the crazy ones for not accompanying me in an invigorating adrenaline rush! I have been running since I was about twelve years old, and I suppose everyone has been calling me crazy since then!

    Running has gotten me through a lot, and has been my personal escape from society. It helped me get past bouts of being hospitalized as a child, and I still credit running to improving my immune system and making me the healthy person I have become. Running is my escape from drama with my friends, a break from relationships, and a relief from the stresses of school and work. Running has been there for me during the coping of lost loved ones, and overall, the hardship that comes with life. I also credit running to the exuberant individual I have grown into over the years.  

    What first crosses my mind when people tell me they hate running, is that they aren't doing it right. A lot of people who ask me to train them and push them to run solely do it just to get it over with. I on the other hand, run not only to stay in shape, but for the enjoyment. I admit I have a love hate relationship with running, dreading some of those early morning or late night runs and making excuses for myself to skip them. And I know, every run isn't going to be great.

    I have seen firsthand a growth in appreciation for running after training a few of my friends. Going from dreading our weekly runs to asking me when we can run again and telling me they want to keep going after the first few miles is a rewarding experience.

    What are you 
    scared of? 

    I have been told by numerous people that they are afraid of running and think it takes up way too much time. Most people think running is mundane and are scared of being fatigued. A lot of people are also scared to run outdoors and feel the only way they can run is on a treadmil.  

    Look, I'm insanely busy, as everyone else is too, and most days I can only spare an hour, or even a half an hour, and if I can fit in a few miles, so can you. What people don't realize is that running probably takes less time than getting dressed and making your way to the gym. Instead, all you need to do is throw on running clothes, running shoes, grab your keys and head out the door for a quick workout session if you have time constraints. What exactly is the deal with everyone being so scared to run outdoors? Running on a treadmil is not only mundane, it also can be harder based on the incline and speed. Running outdoors gives you an excuse to get fresh air, clear your mind with no one around, and gives you the opportunity to switch up your scenery. Trust me, no one is judging you. 

    I have also found that a lot of people have a fear of running in races. However, I have complete faith in everyone around me that they can easily run a 5K. I would advise new runners to train for a 5k and build your way up. I have devised a plan shown below, increasing runs on a weekly basis to prepare you physically and mentally. It doesn't matter how fast you go, or if you have to walk, the focus needs to be on completing the race! Follow this plan and you will successfully finish the race, get in better shape, and maybe even find an appreciation for running. 

    Running questions? Training questions? Wondering if I will take you on a run? Just email me!

    CT=cross train. Bike, swim, yoga, hike, pilates, weightlifting, etc.











     1.5 m run


    1.5 m run


     2 m run

     30 min EZ



     2 m run


    1 m run


     2.5 m run

     30 min EZ



     2 mi run


    1.5 m run


     2.5 m run

     30 min EZ



     2.5 m run


    1.5 m run


     3 m run

     35-40 min EZ



     3 m run


    1.5 m run


     3.5 m run

     35-40 min EZ



     3.5 m run


    1.5 m run


     4 m run

     35-40 min EZ



     3 m run


    1.5 m run


     4 m run

     40 min EZ



     3 m run


    2 m run



     5K Race!

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    What in the World Am I Drinking?

    KAMBUCHA TEA...carbonated, dirt-like appearance, acidic and bitter tasting...

    I often am disgusted by a lot of the drinks and foods I am willing to try, yet I continue with them. The reason you ask? To keep up with the health and nutrition industry by trying the latest fads for experimentation and research purposes of course!

    Kambucha dates all the way back to the 19th century from Russia, Japan, and China. Referred to as a fungus and mushroom, this fairly pungent tasting tea is making its way to America and into the lives of many health conscious individuals. I first came across Kambucha about a year ago when there was only one brand being sold at the local Whole Foods in the refrigerator section. Now, there are at least a dozen brands and even more flavors of Kambucha. I did my research in various ayruvedic and holistic medical books and journals and found that kambucha has its pros and cons in the health world.

    Kombucha is quite interesting, consisting of various species of mushrooms made of a colony of yeast and bacteria bound by a thin membrane. This tea also can contain up to 1.5% alcohol, acetic acid, lactate, and even ethyl acetate. During the incubation period of the Kambucha, the original mushroom floats in the sweet black tea and literally duplicates to make other cultures.

    Research has discussed possible benefits:
    • Improved eyesight
    • increased skin, anti-aging
    • increased overall energy
    • possible prevention of cancer
    • relief of arthritis
    • treatment of insomnia
    • regrowth of hair
    • immune system function
    • arteriosclerosis
    • arthritis
    • asthma
    • yeast related conditions
    • chronic fatigue
    • constipation/diarrhea
    • kidney and gallstone disorders
    • diabetes
    • hypoglycemia
    • high cholesterol
    • multiple sclerosis
    • PMS and hormonal imbalances
    • prostrate problems
    • weight loss
    • The Sloan-Ketting Institute warned in a journal that allergic reactions, including jaundice, serious illness and occasionally death have been connected with the consumption of home-grown Kombucha tea.
    • The high acidity of the tea has been found to cause drug-drug interactions and a failure to absorb medications, interfering with potency. Especially medications to treat hypertension, kidney and hormonal imbalances.
    • People with comprised immune systems are also not advised to consume.
    • Numerous journals discuss that there is not enough evidence on this tea to call it safe and therefore should be avoided or taken in small amounts on rare occasions.
    The fact is, for every positive article I found about Kambucha, there were negative articles that counteracted the others. Because Kambucha is marketed as a supplement, the Food and Drug Association does not have to receive safety and warnings from the manufacturers. In general, one should seek advice from a physician who is educated on this tea and other forms of alternative medicine and supplements if they are interested in consumption of Kambucha.

    As for myself, I enjoy Kambucha, usually drinking one bottle that will last me a whole week. I love the brand SYNERGY, organic and raw, with my favorite flavor being Gingerberry, Guava, and Passionfruit, purchased at Whole Foods or other health food stores!

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    When Life Hands You Lemons, Drink Warm Lemon Water!

    Most nutritionists, dieticians, health journals and books will advise drinking warm lemon water on a daily basis, first thing in the morning and throughout the day.

    "Man does not live off the food he eats but off of the energy that is produced from the food he eats.”

    The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss in his book Back to Eden:

    “The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the system of impurities.”

    Although lemons are acidic, they are alkalizing in your body.

    Weight Loss and Digestion
    • Drinking warm lemon water on a daily basis also paves way for losing weight faster and is known as a great weight loss remedy. The natural diuretic properties of lemons help flush toxins from the body helping with water weight loss.
    • Digestive symptoms such as heartburn and bloating are often relieved with the constant use of warm lemon water.
    • There are numeruos studies worldwide discussing lemon juice in hot water as a daily natural treatment for constipation. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea.
    Detoxifying Properties and Digestion
    • The fact is, lemons are full of vitamin C and vitamin A that enhances beauty, rejuvenating skin from within and has detoxifying effects on the organs.
    • Skin: acts as antiseptic medicine and as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. If applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars and reduces burning sensations as a cooling agent.
    • Lemon water flushes out body toxins and thus is extremely beneficial for the body. A wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquifying the bile. The liver can make more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element. Also acts as a liver tonic, producing more bile.
    • In pregnancy, it will help to build bone in the child, building up the bony structure.
    • It decreases the amount of phlegm produced by your body.
    • Studies mention the thought of lemons to help dissolve gallstones
    Immunity and Disease Prevention
    • Lemon, a fruit popular for its therapeutic properties, helps promote your immune system and thus, protects you from the clutches of most types of infections. It also plays the role of blood purifier. Limewater juice works wonders for people having heart problem, owing to its high potassium content.
    • Due to the high levels of potassium, calcium, phosophorus, magnesium, and vitamins C and A, lemons are useful in the formation of albumin in the blood.
    • Known as a preventative food for asthma, biliousness, colds, coughs, sore throats, diptheria, heartburn, scurvy, fever, and rheumatism.
    • Lemons and other vitamin C rich foods provide protection against inflammation.
    • Cancer- there are various laboratory tests and journals stating that citrus limonoids have been shown to fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach, and colon. And also aide in the prevention of neuroblastoma tumors, often occuring in children.
    • Lemons exert a high level of antiproliferation activity due to the limonoids ability to stay in the bloodstream for extended periods of time, suppressing cancer cell growth.
    Lemon Remedies and Usages

    Normal every day usages: heat 8 ounces water to be luke warm and squeeze half lemon. Drink unlimited amounts throughout the day for optimal results. Opt for bright yellow, glossy and smooth lemons. Roll the lemon under your palm on a counter to soften for maximum juice yield. Lemons will last a few weeks, or up to six weeks if refridgerated. Simply cut in half for juice, or poke a small hole in lemon for minimal juice.   
    • Sore Throat: dilute lemon juice with water and gargle frequently. Dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water. It is even better to use straight lemon juice.
    • Asthma, take a tablespoon of lemon juice one hour before each meal.
    • Liver complaints: the juice of the lemon should be taken in a glass of hot water one hour before breakfast every morning.
    • Heartburn: one teaspoon of lemon juice in a half glass of water.
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: one or two ounces of lemon juice diluted in water should be taken three times a day, one hour before meals and at bedtime.
    • Excessuve Menstration: the juice of three to four lemons a day will help with relief. Best to take the juice of one lemon at a time in a glass of cold water.
    • Colds: Combined with a teaspoon of honey or with ginger with eight ounces of water.
    • Hair: Helps remove buildup. Use a few drops of lemon mixed with water and shampoo and condition.
    Be Weary of Lemons at Restaurants...
    You may or may not have heard about the contaminated lemon slices found in restaurants. If you order lemon water regularly though, this information will come in handy!
    The article was published in December, 2007 in the Journal of Environmental Health. It was co-authored by Anne LaGrange Loving and John Perz. Loving collected 76 lemon slices from 21 restaurants on 43 visits in Patterson, New Jersey. She swabbed both the lemon slice and the glass on which the slice had been placed immediately after the glass had been brought to her. Contamination was found on both the flesh and the rind of most of the lemon wedges, although how it got there was not determined. Some of it could have come from the fruit where it was picked and/or some of it could have come from the hands of employees. Still some of it could have originated from contaminated work surfaces. Overall, opt for lemon water at home and picked on your own that are preferably organic and free of chemicals!